Friday, July 23, 2010

This Is Me...Being All Mushy!

A friend is like a flower,
a rose to be exact,
Or maybe like a brand new gate
that never comes unlatched.
A friend is like an owl,
both beautiful and wise.
Or perhaps a friend is like a ghost,
whose spirit never dies.
A friend is like a heart that goes
strong until the end.
Where would we be in this world
if we didn't have a friend. - By Adrianne S

Heather @ Two Little Monkeys Plus Hubby is one of the best friends a person could ask for. Really! I have been through my own personal little hell these past 2 weeks and she has listened to me bitch, whine and moan every step of the way. What may seem to be a small problem to others, she never once makes me feel like my problems are insignificant. She puts up w/ me even when my overly opinionated self comes out and tells her what she probably doesn't want to hear.  I can't say thank-you enough. For listening to me cry, bitch, and for listening. 

Giving her props on my blog for a day, a week or an entire year would never make up for all the support she has given me. Thanks Heather...I love you for it, and appreciate it more than you will ever know.

Ok you can stop crying now Heather! Ya big baby!!!

Heather has made an awesome button to show her support of being drama free. I am proud to say that I stand firm beside her in wanting to keep my blog and my friends drama free!
Two Little Monkeys Plus Hubby


  1. That was so beautiful!!

    Heather is really lucky too to have a friend like you.

    Have a nice day!!

  2. awww that is so sweet :)
    Heather is a great friend for sure!!

  3. Oh Melissa why did you make me cry! Your the best!

  4. Fantastic Melissa, truly fantastic

  5. Beautiful post.

    It's so important to have great friends by your side. Heather sounds like a wonderful person.

    We all need to get away from life's drama.Like they say: "keep your drama for your mama".

  6. How awesome to have soch a wonderful friend. True friendship is pretty rare these days. So happy for y'all!

  7. Aw that's so sweet! Here's to keeping the blogging world Drama Free!
