Friday, April 30, 2010

Not Being Mean

Ok a second post for today. I'm trying ever so hard to go to everyones blogs, and comment, but my FF is being really stupid!!! When I click the comments button, there is usually a second page that will pop up. Well FF will not let it pop up, atleast not for a while. It will come up about 5 minutes later. No it is not a pop up blocker, issue! So not only can I not follow people because it's a pop up screen, but I can't comment! So if anyone at all has a solution to this, PLEASE tell me, it's driving me insane!

Just a Quick Rant

Every day on my way home I drive by this horse that breaks my heart. This horse is so skinny you can literaly see every bone in it's body. It kills me, and every day Heather hears about it. You can see it's ribs, it's hip bones (if that's what they are called on a horse), it's spine, and it's neck bone. I don't mean you can just see the bones, it looks like the skin is just kind of hanging off of them.

My neighbor has 5 horses, so a few months ago, I brought it to her attention and she called the local ASPCA. You know what they did? They came out, looked at the horse, said it is indeed in severe malnutrition, and told the owner he had to put a blanket on him in the cold months, which he did. Now, in the owners defense the horse is very old, and he has lost his teeth so he can't eat as well. But for crying out loud, if your horse is so old it can't eat and keeps it's nutrition up, why not put him down. I get that you may love your animal, but don't be selfish and let him suffer the way he is. The poor horse is usually in the same exact spot, day after day, I'm told because it hurts for him to move. My neighbor also has a horse that's old, he's 25, and a beautiful horse. He is slimmer than the others, but not by much. She tried talking to the guy about it, telling him what kind of feed to get him, or just put him down, he's in too much pain...but he won't.

This breaks my heart every single day! Sorry I'm in a mood today!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I Should've Taken Pictures!

Well I thought I was going to have this nice, quiet, uneventful weekend. Lexi went to spend the night at a friends house for the weekend, which meant Friday after I took her to her friends, I was gonna have the house all. to. myself. For a few hours anyway! I was so so excited. Well turns out, hubby decided he was going to leave work early, which is usually ok, but I was seriously looking forward to some "me" time. So he came home, and I didn't get any alone time. Not that I really know what I would've done w/ it, but it sounded good anyway.

We had plans for Saturday, we were spending the day together. I had this vision (Yep I have them a lot) that we were going to have a nice day maybe in the park w/ the dogs, walking and talking. Well dear old mother nature had another idea. Storms and raining like crazy. But that's ok, because then he suggested we go bowling. I L.O.V.E bowling! I haven't gone bowling in a year because of my back. Well to hell w/ my back, I wanted to bowl. So we went, I had a ton of fun, and I even kicked his butt 2 games! I wish I'd have had my camera, because he will never admit to that. But I did, I swear I did!

We left the bowling alley and decided we were going to try a new restaurant. Maybe not really new, but new to us. So we drive down the road, he says oh it's on Indian Lakes, turn right here. Lord knows I should know by now that I shouldn't listen to a man when it comes to directions. We ended up driving around in circles, for like 45 min before I realize that there is a reason the houses all look so much a like. I say "Honey, I think we are going in circles, I mean how many pink houses can their be in one neighborhood!" Ha! Thank goodness for the GPS! So as it turns out we were no where near the restaurant, like 30 minutes no where near. The food was pretty good though.

So we went home, and Scott left for Talladega, Sunday morning long before I woke up. I thought, YAY, at least I'll have a little time Sunday to myself. NOPE, I went and volunteered myself to take Lexi and her friend to the mall. Then I let her stay the night.....

I should've taken pictures...before I pulled all my hair out!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday Minute with Ian...Vlog Style

We're doing it Vlog style this week! Yeah! Still not comfortable in front of the camera. I have no problem talking to people, but being behind the camera is a whole new experience for me. So here goes nothing!

So I obviously redid my blog again...for Mother's Day which is coming up. And I haven't gotten the code completely done yet. So I'm missing a few things but they'll be back in a jiffy!

Friday, April 23, 2010

I got another award!

Tammy was the sweetest ever and gave me an award yesterday and I'm so happy about it. I love getting awards. They are like getting flowers to me, and I love getting flowers!

So here are the rules she has posted:
Rules for the Award: Tell 10 honest things about myself and then pass the award to 10 of my favorite bloggers!

1. I have to fight myself to get out of bed in the morning every single day.
2. I really did meet one of my best friends online and I love her like a sister.
3. I really despise cleaning the windows.
4. I know I sometimes have to many expectations for hubby, but would never admit that to him.
5. I LOVE the Twilight die hard fan.
6. My dog really is my heart! Can't imagine where I'd be without him.
7. I'm addicted to blogging. Really seriously addicted to it.
8. I have a very bad, very bad habit of cussing.
9. I wanna quit smoking, but know I don't have the will power.
10. I secretly can't wait to go to FL w/ hubby this summer.

Now my favorite 10 blogs:
Heather at Two Little Monkeys Plus Hubby. She is one of my bestest friends ever, and we give each other many many laughs. While I pick on her constantly, it's all in fun, and she knows I'm not serious. I love that we have that kind of friendship.
Tammy at Tammy's Two Cents ~ I've been w/ her blog I think the second longest to Heather's. She's an amazing person, who I have to go head to her blog every single day. 
Ian at The Daily Dose of Reality ~ He brings me so many laughs, keeps me entertained all day while I'm at work, and is the same type of blunt say it like it is kind of person like me. Ian is my bloggy crush!
Mama M at My Little Life ~ I really enjoy every single post she makes. I love the way she talks. 
Kimber at Day in the Life of a Girl Named Kimber ~ Not only is she cute as a bunny, but she's totally awesome! Her posts are addicting, and I can't wait for the next. 
Katie at Bring on the Lloyds ~ She inspires me w/ her beautiful photography and will give me tips in a heart beat. She's an awesome person as well.
My Ordinary Miracles ~ She is inspiring to me. I am in awe w/ her because she cares so wonderfully to those tiny babies. She also post awesomely funny photos.
Mimi at He & Me + 3 ~ Her photography is also very inspiring to me. I love seeing her pictures, reading the stories w/ them, and hope to be as good as her one day.
Calgary Daddy ~ I love that he is sharing his baby growing up w/ us. How awesome of him to share such an important part of his life!
Deb at Menopausal New Mom....ever need a laugh, you are sure to catch one here!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My First Vlog!

Ok I'm doing this only because I am trusting that all of you will not make fun of me. I'm not at all comfortable in front of the camera, I'm always behind it, so no laughing. I know you will, just don't in front of me!

You can go see Heather here!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Look What I Got!!

 Today was administrative day and Mr P got us all flowers!

Keep an eye out tomorrow for my very first Vlog!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday Minute with Ian!

Monday Minute
Yep it's Monday and that means answering Ian's crazy questions! So go head over to Ian's grab the button, and answer the questions also!

1 - Ever take a shit in the woods?
Nope, sorry to disappoint all of you, but I have never even peed outside!

2 - If you won $1,000, what's the first thing you would do with it besides give me a cut?
I would uhm put it in savings?!? Not really, I wouldn't tell hubby and I would go buy me something and spoil and pamper myself.

3 - What's your favorite phrase?
Right now....I'm Awesome!

4 - Fill in the blank - the world would be a better place if ______ left the planet.
Stupid ass jerks, yes even those driving,

5 - How do you take your coffee or tea? 
Not at all! I'm strictly Mt Dew!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I went and did it....AGAIN!

It's 2:00 am and I can't sleep, so I changed up my blog! 
This is what happens when I lack sleep!
This is why I should go to bed early!
I also get kind of delirious!

Ok really short post but I was excited!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Five Question Friday w/ Mama M

I love reading her questions and answers, so I decided this week I will jump on the band wagon and answer away to.

So here's how it works! You head on over to Mama M's Blog, copy and paste the questions...answer them of course, then go back and link up! Don't forget to link up to Mama M also!

So here goes nothing:
1. What words do you use on your blog/online that you don't use in real life?
There are honestly no words that I use on my blog that I don't use in real life. It's more of a reversal, there are a lot of words that I use in real life that I don't use on my blog. I promise you do not want to know those words!

2. Do you still write checks?
Hmmm...I wrote a check to Lexi's school, but that was to cover lunches. Other than that I don't write checks, it's entirely to hard for me to keep up with. Besides I really really hate getting behind people who write checks at the grocery store. That check is now run like a debit card, so just use the damn card!

3. Who was your favorite President and why?
I'm an evil bad person, I've honestly never paid attention, horrible I know, but that is also why I don't vote. I don't think I should be voting blind.

4. Are you a yeller?
I think you should ask Heather if I am a yeller. Yes, I am terrible about yelling, at other drivers, at my husband, at my kids, when ever I'm mad. It really just comes out, and then I realize later that it wasn't anything worth yelling about.
So there you have it! My all out Five Question Friday honesty! This was fun! Go ahead, do it!
5. Have you ever dumpster dived?
Nope, I've never gone dumpster diving. I'll be honest, I really don't know what it is!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Short and Sweet!

Today I just wanted to share w/ you a couple funny conversations I've had at work w/ customers. Now I warn you, I deal w/ some pretty...uhm how do I put this nicely...ok well stupid people. So here goes:

Cust #1

Me: Answers phone (I'm receptionist for a car dealership)
Cust: Plantation blinds please.
Me: Uh ma'am you've reached a car dealership.
Cust: You mean this isn't Home Depot Plantation Shades?
Me: Yes ma'am.
Cust: Are you sure?
Me: Yep all the cars around me kind of give it away!

I totally should not talk to people like that, but sometimes they just deserve it. Why oh why do people ask me if I'm sure? Do they think I forgot where I'm working at?

Cust #2

Me: Answers phone (yep that's what I do every time)
Cust: Can I please speak to M...(M being one of the salespeople)
Me: I'm sorry but M is not in yet, would you like to leave him a voicemail?
Cust: Now by voicemail, do you mean I leave a message and he calls me back?
Me: That's generally how it works!
Cust: Ok hang on a min, I gotta get pen and paper...(hear cust rumbling around) Ok I'm ready!
Me...just shakes my head and puts him to M's voicemail.

Happy Hump Day!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Twilight Lovers!

My dear Twilight loving bloggers. You will be happy to know that Stephanie Meyer is putting out a new book called The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: An Eclipse Novella.
I can't wait to get this book! You can pre-order it from and get it June 5th. I'm so excited! While reading Twilight, I always wanted more information on the Newborns. Now is my chance to find out, and get a little Twilight fix.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday Minute w/ Ian

Monday Minute

Today is Monday Minute w/ our favorite person Ian! Today's Monday Minute is sex related, but since I try to keep this family friendly "most" the time, I will keep my answers low key. Besides a little mystery goes a long way....right?

At what age did you lose your virginity? To young, lets just say I was 16 when I had my daughter!

Any good sex tips or advice? Change things up and don't get in rut! I can't keep this clean and give you my other advice.

Lights on or off when you have sex? Off of course, geez gotta save on electricty. But you don't need lights in the middle of the day either.

Have you ever been caught in the act of having sex? Yep, a couple times, I think it's more embarrassing when the kids walk in on ya.

Ever catch your parents (or kids) having sex? No...thank goodness, but I was totally grossed out when I found out my parents still had sex and I was 14! GROSS! LOL

I had to delete my first post. For some reason only the picture was showing up in that post. I love when things don't work properly for me.
So go hook up w/ Ian's Monday Minute and join the fun!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Slow Week

This has been a very slow week for me! I haven't been posting...kind of a bloggers block going on here! I haven't been around to read and comment on blogs so much and I feel guilty. I'm just having a hard time balancing family time and blogging time. I used to read blogs at work, come home and quickly respond on those that I read because I had emailed the links to myself and knew exactly what I wanted to say. Commenting at work messes up my computer so I can't do it. But it's gotten so busy at work, there is no time for reading.
Saturday and Sundays are pretty much devoted to the kids. Mondays and Tuesdays are devoted to hubby. So that leaves Wednesday, Thursday and Friday...but I'm blocked! I have nothing! My life has been so uneventful, so I don't even have funny stories.
I haven't felt 100% either. I talked to the Dr about this and he said it is in part due to the bipolar. Well I am fed up, I want to feel good for once. I can't remember the last time I didn't feel sick from one thing or another. Tired of that one! 
So my goal is post a little more...might be down to 3 posts a week, maybe 4. I will make it around to blogs when I can...atleast twice a week. And find a way to get rid of this block!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What's in a Word by Webb Garrison

If you have ever wondered where the phrases or words we speak on a daily basis come from, What's in a Word may be the book you need to read. If you like knowing the etymology of words, know why they are said, or just want to know the true meaning behind it pick it up. We use them every day, but do we know where they came from?

I had much anticipation about reading this book. I love words, and I love knowing their origin. I like to know exactly what that phrase means. I didn't find this book to be as interesting as I thought it would be. There are several common phrases, but some words that just seemed like a filler. It's a book I'd keep in the bathroom. Not something you read front to back. I didn't get engrossed in this book. Some of the phrases though surprised me. I had no idea how much of our language comes from other languages. It's worth picking up to read on occasion, but don't expect to get caught up with the words. While it can be educating, there is a lot that seems could be skipped.

**I was given this book by Thomas Nelson Publishers in agreement to write my honest opinion about this book**

Monday, April 5, 2010

I want to remind everyone to visit my sisters blog at Disney Traveling Family!
She is so full of awesome ideas, fun stories, and saving you and me money!

I hope y'all had a fantastic Easter weekend. I was going to build a bunny trap (yep I was jealous of Tammy's Leprechaun trap) so I built a bunny trap. Well I didn't have it quite finished, and obviously Guapo thought maybe there was already a bunny in it, and he tore it up! So no catching the Easter Bunny this year. Makes me sad!

Lexi and I spent Easter just us, until Scott got off work. We watched movies, did nails and hair, and talked girl talk. All in all we had fun! It wasn't the family Easter fun we should've had, but she and I both enjoyed it. She loves having her mommy time. She likes doing girl stuff. We had a great time together. Scott came home and we finished the day w/ family time. 

The weather has been fantastic. I had to work 6 days last week, so if I missed y'all, please don't take offense to it. I'll do better this week.

Friday, April 2, 2010

When Will My Day Come?

Yes, today is "pity me" day!

I think I have been sick for the past 3 weeks, well 3 weeks Monday. First it's pneumonia, then I start to feel a little better and I'm blasted w/ a migraine, one that brought me to my knees, and now....NOW my allergies have blown up. I'm not complaining, ok so I am, I love the beautiful weather, everything turning green again, but I want to breathe out of my nose again! I want to not look like I'm crying all the time! I just want to feel good again. So when will my day come?
All done whining now!

I took some, what I think are some really cute pictures. Today I will only be posting my dogs pictures because well...I have to get a watermark/copyright on the kids pictures. So here are my fur babies, they are the cutest ever!

I really love how they play outside together! They look like they are so mean to each other, but that is all play! These two are the best buds ever!!