Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Every morning on my way to work I listen to The Bert Show on the radio. Some mornings they make me cry, some they make me laugh, and some they just make me angry. Today was an angry day. They take calls from people looking for advice, and well I'm very oppinionated, so I'm always ready to give them my opinion. Not that they hear my opinion because I don't call in, but it doesn't stop me from yelling it in my car.
(The dog in this picture is not the dog I'm speaking of)
So this lady calls in and she's getting ready to move in w/ her boyfriend. Her boyfriend has "custody" of his and his ex's dog. The dogs name is Cupcake and the new girlfried doesn't like that name and wants to change the dogs name. This dog is 8 yrs old, and she doesn't like the name because the ex named it. The new guy and his ex have been split up for 3 years.
So me being the animal lover I am thinks this is insane! 1. You can't hold it against the dog, that the previous girlfriend named it. 2. I think of my dogs like my children, I'll be darned if someone decided they didn't like my dogs name because of an ex. Would she want to change a childs name? 2. Get over it lady!!! It's been 3 years since they split, jealousy is not a good thing.

Love your pet as much as I do? Why not join You Pet w/ me! It's a great community with a lot of information.


  1. I agree! How silly that is. My ex helped me name my cat 17 years ago and we have never changed the!

  2. That's crazy! That poor dog is gonna need serious therapy!

  3. Oh man, I have to agree!

    OK, first of all - jealousy just sort of annoys me. Seriously my best friend's husband is fairly jealous and I just think it's unattractive. Who cares if she talks to her ex (she doesn't anymore because of her hubby, but she used to work with the guy!)? You're married! You've won! I think he's even jealous of friends (though not so obvious on that front).

    Second - the dog is 8. EIGHT! Would you change an 8 yr old child's name b/c the ex named him/her? and how do you tell a dog it has a new name to answer to? I agree - it's scarred (although probably already was if named cupcake...).

    Wow, you thought YOU were opinionated! ;)

  4. Wow this is just dumb. I don't think I would have been able to continue listening. That definitely does not sound like a big enough problem to go on the radio with it. Leave the dog alone and get a life chick! Ugh! 8 years old is seriously too old to change anything!

  5. That is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. You can't change its name. Stupid!
