Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What A Weekend.....Part II

Part II

Earlier in the week hubby asked me to go with him on Saturday to get my carry a concealed weapon permit. Isn't that sweet, he worries about me! So I agree, not happily, but I know it will make him feel better. In the state of Tennessee you must go through a class to get your permit. So we are scheduled for Saturday.
I was not happy about getting up and going to an 8 hour class on my day off. I didn't want to get up early, I didn't want to be there by 8:15 am, and I didn't want to sit and listen to someone talk for 8 hours about guns. I love being able to protect myself.....behind my hubby!
So we get up we go to the class and we sit. We listen. We watch a really horribly boring movie. Then he tells us we have to take a test. What a TEST?!? You mean I was actually supposed to be paying attention. Uhm...I remember something about barrel, magazine, ammunition...yeah that's all. I look at Sugar Booger about to cry. I mean I listened, really I did, and I paid attention, but it's not my fault my mind kept wandering. I was screwed. Sugar Booger was not going to be happy if he paid $60 for each of us to take this class and I fail. That's really cheap, but he still wouldn't be happy. So I take the test, I pray, and hope that I pass. I did, I only missed 3. Not to bad. Good thing hubby has educated me over the years. So we take the test, it's only 1:00 pm, and yay we are done and get to go home. NOPE! I have a migraine now, I feel terrible, my head was killing me. And now they tell us we have to go through a shooting test, and we have to pass that as well. I freak, it's been 2 years or so since I've shot a gun. What am I to do? Hubby says what happens if someone doesn't pass the shooting test? He tells us if ya don't pass, ya have to do it all over....class and all! No pressure, none at all. So ok, I have a migraine and you want me to shoot a gun and pass a test. Someone kill me now! The shooting range is inside, they give you a number. They test 5 people at a time. Just so happens there were 47 people in our class and we got numbers 41 and 42. So we are sitting in the lounge area, some what watching those before us shoot and my head was killing me. After about 30 min of all the shooting, my head starts pulsating, and I started losing my peripheral vision. I took a second Lortab (had taken one about two hours before) and I think, how in the hell am I gonna shoot a gun, not only w/ a terrible migraine, but w/ Lortab in me as well. I was SCREWED!
Well my dear bloggy friends, I would like to say I made 41 shots out of 48 on the target. 35 of them to the chest as instructed and 6 to the head! Don't mess w/ this momma, she can shoot a gun! Now now before anyone gets their panties all in a bunch, I am a responsible person. The only time I would use deadly force is if somebody was in my home, or attacking me or one of my children outside of the home. I am a firm believer that I have a right to protect myself and my family.

Sunday was pretty uneventful!


  1. She's packing heat! I don't want to mess with you.

  2. Good for you.
    Only time I used a weapon was in the Army.
    If I had a gun now, I would probably be the one to get hurt.
    I do believe in the right, even the responsibility to own arms as citizens of a free country. Maybe I should get a shotgun. I could use it like a club.

  3. My husband went through the class around a year ago....there is NO way I would have passed it, haha!

  4. NO WAY! LOL I am so sorry but I had to laugh. Glad you passed. Hubs wants us to take that class too.

  5. I've been meaning to take the class for a while now. I love shooting at the range but I could never imagine doing it with a migraine. Good job!

  6. So here's my question to you...can you shoot that well without a migraine??

  7. Wow that's pretty impressive! I only shot a rifle once and wound up on my butt! lol

  8. You would not like to live in Canada then! Hunters and Police are the only ones with guns, lol.

