Friday, March 4, 2011

Funny Things Friday

Yes my lovely readers it is BACK! I have funny things to tell you again. I hope that you find as much humor in these people as I do. Just as a reminder:
**I answer phones at work so I am constantly hearing funny things. There is only 1 of the companies I work for where I live so I will not directly refer to that company but instead will call it XYZ. What I will tell you is I am a receptionist for a car dealership. That is very important to keep in mind as you hear these things. Some make me laugh and some well they just irritate the hell out of me. All stories are true events! Names will be changed for privacy purposes.

Me:  Thank you for calling XYZ how may I direct your call?
Caller: Dees Jose
Me: Yes sir, and how may I direct your call?
Caller: Dees Jose
Me: I understand that sir, which department do you need?
Caller: Dees Jose
Me: Sir do you have your car at our dealership?
Caller: Dees Jose
Me: **click**

Ok so you have to make up your best "I don't really speak English" accent because this was hilarious! Though very annoying at the time because I was sick of being told "Dees Jose" and I still don't know if he was needing something or someone or if "dees" meant something I didn't know.

Me: Good morning thanks for calling XYZ how may I direct your call?
Caller: Yes ma'am I'm not sure if you know the person I'm looking for, but we are having a reunion and a person we are looking to invite used to work there.
Me: Ok what is the name and I'll be able to see if he's still here?
Caller: His name is Joe Smith
Me: Nope, no Joe Smith working here now. How long ago did he work here? Maybe someone who works here now may know who he is?
Caller: Oh he worked there in 1959 and we really want to find him for this reunion!
Me: **Crickets** 1959??? (Does she know what year this is?)
Caller: Yes ma'am it was 1959 and this is the last place I know he worked at.
Me: (after asking the one person who I know has worked there for 25 years) Ma'am nobody here is aware of Joe Smith or anyone else that may have worked here in 1959.
Caller: Oh well do you know how I can get a hold of him because we really want him to come to this reunion.
Me: (shaking my head shamelessly for the horrible thoughts that I was having) No ma'am I don't know how to locate him. Nobody here knows him.
Caller: Are you sure?
Me: Ugh...yeah pretty sure!

I feel so bad for the old lady...she really wanted that man there. Must have been her high school sweet heart right?

So this was my favorite call this week.....drum roll please.....

Me: Thank you for calling XYZ how may I direct your call?
Caller: Oh my God you give good phone!!!
Me: **blink, blink** I give good phone?
Caller: Oh yes you have a fantastic phone voice!
Me: Ugh Thanks!
Caller: Can I talk to Ben now please?
Me: One minute please.

So my dear readers....I GIVE GOOD PHONE!


  1. I have been laughing about you give good phone ever since you told me about it.
    And I seriously want to call you and screw with you!!!

  2. Ha ha ha!!! Too funny! "Dees Jose" was either trying to say "This is Jose" and playin' with you...or he was telling you to "SAY" Jose, in which case, he was also playing with you. The third option, of course, is that he was trying to reach his cousin, Pedro, and thought Pedro's English-speaking mistress had answered the phone, but that's all he knew how to say.

  3. You give good phone?! LOL
    And seriously, 1959? GAH!

  4. DEES JOSE! I love it! Poor guy. Are you sure there is no one there named Dees? LMAO

    Did you ask Ben what kind of perv he is friends with? ;-)

    Have a great weekend!

  5. It must be near impossible not to laugh out loud at these times! Thanks for sharing:)

  6. Love the give good phone one!!

  7. Haha these are classic!! Thanks for sharing!

    Ps I left you an award on my blog last week! Xo

  8. HA! Giving good phone is something you can hang your hat on! ;-)

  9. Well, look I had my doubts, but if she thinks so, than you clearly give good phone.

  10. Very funny, I use to work at a customer service desk while in college and was amazed at the stupidity of some people:)
