Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Box of Love

I would like to first ask ALL of you to go visit Mimi! Why? Because she's awesome and she sent me a box of love.

A few days ago I was reading Mimi's blog post about a beautiful quilt her mother had made her. Let me tell ya, it's gorgeous! This post of course reminded me of the quilt my mother had started making me when I was 11 yrs old. My mom stitched every piece of it by hand. I was so anxious to get the quilt my mother was making me because I had always wanted one. I think they are beautiful! My mom after 13 years never got to finish that quilt. It was one thing or another that stopped her. She was sick for many years and had developed a disease called neuropathy. Some days her hands would curl up into balls and she'd be in so much pain, yet still she tried to make that quilt for me. After my mom had passed I put the blanket into the spare bedroom with every intention of finishing after I felt I had the strength. Then Hurricane Ivan went ripping through Pensacola destroying many of them being the quilt my mom had started for me. I was devastated to say the least.
When I read Mimi's post it brought tears to my eyes. Ok it made me cry like a baby! What a beautiful gift to have!
Today I came home and sitting on my counter was a huge box, wrapped in Christmas wrap but really who waits until Christmas right? So I opened it up and what did I find.....

A quilt! Mimi sent me this beautiful hand stitched quilt, and a beautiful card inside. I promise to post more pictures but I was too busy getting cozy with this beauty. It's gorgeous!!!! It has pretty hearts that are stitched along the seam...I promise I'll get pictures!
So of course you know I cried, and you know I'm crying as I type this. I can't explain how happy/giddy/loved this gift has made me feel. My holiday cheer that was lost has been found. I feel so close to my mom right now, and every time I wrap up in it I will feel close to her. I am in complete awe of Mimi for doing such a kind act. She's a beautiful person, with a beautiful heart and I can't say thank-you enough!

I will have more pictures up soon, I promise! In the mean time please go say hi to Mimi and give her A LOT of bloggy love!


  1. Oh my goodness, I'm crying like a baby! How sweet

  2. It's beautiful Melissa...just went and said hi to Mimi...she is awesome!

  3. How amazing! You and Mimi are to blessed women!

  4. Tears are falling down my face as I read this. What an incredible gift....and what an incredibly beautiful person Mimi is!

  5. I would be crying tears all over that gorgeous quilt. She is a truly wonderful person, through and through.

  6. Wow. That was unbelievably kind!
    I am glad it gives you fond memories of your mom.

  7. Now I'm crying again too! I'm so happy that you like the quilt. I'm greatful that we found each other in the blogosphere.

    Hugs & love,

  8. Oh wow, that is honestly one of the nicest things I've ever heard. xoxo
